There are times when, even though it is family, people just naturally clash and are better off not being around each other. I think there is a least one such situation in every family, so please realize you are not the only person this is happening to.
Not being able to be around them doesn't mean you love them any less. As family, you will always have that love and bond. As a person, you may not like them at all. We are who we are.
You need to do what is best for YOU and your immediate family for your own sense of peace and harmony. Interact with others on your terms within your comfort zone. Being the middleman is not a good position to be in. Some will come to resent you for trying to fix them. You are only responsable for you and your family's behavior. The rest are responsable for their own. If they want things to change, then they will have to figure out what they have to change within themselves to make things better.
Just always remember that you tried. But you don't deserve to have that kind of torment hanging over your head. You DO DESERVE to have a happy, peaceful life.
Keep your chin up. And always remember, we are a "FAMILY" here and we do care about how you are feeling. So when ever you need to, you vent away. We are all here with our listening ears on, and for some of us, with our outspoken mouths at the ready, lol.
Love & Hugs Anne