Map of course. It is 77 miles on the Laurel Mt Trail
Checkpoint Mileage Sect. Mileage Time of day Cut-off (hrs:mins) Sect. Time Overall Pace Sect. Pace
#1 - Route 653 19.3 19.3 11:15 am 5:45:00 5:45:00 0:17:53 0:17:53
#2 - Route 31 32.3 13.0 3:00 pm 9:30:00 3:45:00 0:17:39 0:17:18
#3 - Route 30 52.9 20.6 9:00 pm 15:30:00 6:00:00 0:17:35 0:17:29
#4 - Route 271 63.6 10.7 12:30 am 19:00:00 3:00:00 0:17:55 0:16:49
Finish - Route 56 77 13.4 5:30 am 24:00:00 5:00:00 0:18:42 0:22:23
At this point in time I do not know where he is!!!
He thought he wouldn't finish until about 2 or 3 am They started at 5:30AM