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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:43 am    Halloween Wedding- BUT a black dress? Oh No!! Reply with quoteBack to top

This is the dress she has picked- ONLY costing me $600, not bad, but, BLACK!! Yes, black silk<-SO!!

I suppose it is fitting being on Halloween afterall, and, of course, she is renting a sno-cone machine!!!

Yeppers, folks, a flippin' sno-cone machine!! And, it is costing MORE than the cake- I love her originality

PhotobucketPhotobucket This is her over here---> Photobucket


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:01 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

oh the joys of weddings patti..sure it will be a great day and blacks a great choice of colour for the dress lol....wont make any comments about halloween ...witches and wicked stepmothers tho lol

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:02 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top


Pattie the dress is beautiful hun Smile and so is your Daughter...

Her originallity makes her who she is...BUT a snow cone machine Laughing I think that's cool..


Sarah Very Happy


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:02 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

YES SISTERS!! SHE IS ORIGINAL! UNIQUE & 1_OF_A_KIND!! It is beautiful. She is so beautiful. I couldn't be prouder!

Mainly wanted some "old school" crushers to see. Get their reactions. I am wondering why my mom acts so appalled??

Okay, yes, my mom has COPD. And she is older. She was 30 when I was born. My 2 sisters are 9 & 10 years older.

But, they neither one have kids. Either tried too late, or circumstances at time, etc. Melissa IS HER ONLY Grandchild.

She is talking "trash" to me about anything my daughter is wanting, says she is not going to wedding, because she is on oxygen, cannot be around germs (excuses) and always adds she wouldn't be caught dead at any black freakish wedding . It is about 6 hours drive down, but they have 2 almost brand new cars!! She's constantly asking me 20-questions when I hang up phone w/daughter. Most, I don't know the answer to, BUT,The ones I do are worse!! She will just reply rudely or smart-ellic before I even finish spitting it out!!. Calling it a Circus, and we ought to all dress up in costumes since it is halloween, etc. etc.

I am sad about it. My daughter, so much stronger than me, is inches from telling her off!! She could be like soooooo many grandparents, taking care of their kids kids, and hell of alot more than 1, almost angelic, quiet, straight-a student of a grandchild!!

My kid has NEVER done the things all 3 us girls did to my mom. Pregnant-unmarried- staying out all night by 16- My kid has never stayed out all night without a rude call waking me up at 4 a.m. I did it 5 times week!! Ditched school, quit school then went back later- my kid is in college- not pregnant at 20 and getting married b4 all that-

Jeeze she don't know how wonderful melissa is, I don't get it, at all!!


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:11 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

This brings to mind lyrics from an old Rick Nelson song, Garden party, but in your case Wedding party.
"Ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself"
I would love to attend such a unique wedding...I find the same old traditional ones boring and unimaginative. Be proud you raised a daughter who is an of a kind.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:46 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

omg patti theres something i have in common with parents couldnt give a damn about my 2 kids ...since i met my partner all those years ago it was made clear they never liked her(can see their point as i dont get on with her that much lol but thats beside the point) and since then nothing i do could ever be right...i dont care but feel sorry for my kids...when oldest was born he was in intensive care and it took my parents 2 weeks to visit hospital..whereas when sisters nieces etc have kids my mother visited same day....even now my boys are not as good as other children in family and theres always a smart ass remark about them...mums got the cheek to say she never sees them when she stays 5 minutes away....anyway point is dont care what your mother thinks...some people are like that for whatever have a great daughter who will have a fabulous day as its her wedding and whatever she likes its her day...if your mother doesnt come round(like mine wouldnt)then just enjoy the day...after all the only one thats losing out is your mum

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:41 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

TY ALL for loving and kind words. I take care of my mom in alot of ways. My dad is still with her, but he is very active- golf/bowl/swim and she is not. I think it is sorta, very much like a selfish child.

Think she is jealous in a way of my relationship with my baby- Either because she doesn't have such a close-loving 1 with us girls, but for me, the baby-

Orrrr she is jealous of my attention taking off her, because I do baby her now- she is sick and my baby is so far from me, that me and my mom are closer with Melissa in Calif.

She loves my daughter, but she is old fashioned and moody. Stubborn in her ways- any1 elses are wrong in her eyes.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:50 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Well times change and she hasn't changed with them. You have to open up to new ideas now and for some people that is hard. I hope she reconsiders as the only loss will be her own. I know you daughter would like her there but then if she came and couldn't keep from cutting the whole wedding down it would be better if she stayed home. Why ruin it for everyone else.

This is a happy time for your daughter and a once in a lifetime day - she should be able to celebrate anyway that she wants. It is HER day!!

Send her to You-tube and see the dancing brides and grooms down the isle and all the other wacky fun weddings people are doing now Smile

That dress is beautiufl and much prettier than if she dressed as a pumpkin or a witch hehehe

I would just tell her she is invited and it is up to her if she will show up or not -that you won't bribe her to come and let it go and enjoy the time with your daughter!
Don't let it ruin the day for you and her... well and of course her husband to be Smile


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:02 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Patti-first of all, the dress is beautiful, and I think classy, and your daughter is beautiful. There's nothing wrong with a Halloween wedding. It sounds very original with the sno-cone machine and everything else. I'm sorry that your mother's being so stubborn and nasty about it. As you are the one paying for it, and it's your daughter's wedding, I would just tell your mom as nicely as you can that her thoughtless comments are not appreciated; and if she chooses not to go, that is HER decision. This is your daughter's special day, and like many have said before me, she has to please herself. This will be her only wedding, and she should do what makes her happiest. Geez, Dear Abby would have a field day with this! I wish you the best of luck and hope that your mother mellows out and is able to enjoy it for what it is-a celebration of your daughter & future son in law's love for each other.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:24 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top


To be unique and original is a wonderful thing...We have to many people in society who just follow the norm and don't think out of the box..

Kudos to Melissa and to you for supporting her emotionally...

Have you or Melissa tried letting your Mom know that her comments and her non attendance to this very special day is very hurtful and upsetting..

I find sometimes the elderly when they see the young start off in life and prosper, it's a reminder to them that longevity is not on their side..So sometimes their first reaction is to put a wall up and not show their true feelings..

Patti I truly hope your Mom realizes that she is the one who will be missing out on a wonderful and special occassion for her only grandaughter..


Sarah Smile


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:08 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

I will try to talk to her- one adult to another. Period. It is about Melissa, afterall Smile TY (((HUGS CRUSHERS)))

Thanks so much for listening and giving me food for thought. Your different views were just what I longed for. Razz


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:42 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top


Patti we're all family here glad we gave you food for thought Wink


Sarah Smile


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:49 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

Patti, Love, love, love the dress! There is nothing wrong with a Halloween wedding..... heck I got married on Halloween weekend some 42 years ago and still spook the heck out of my hubby LOL. I feel sorry for your Mom and hope she can come to terms with the fact that these choices are Melissa and her fiancee's. It is, after all, their day and they have the right to do whatever it is that will make it a day that they will always remember and charish. I have a feeling you may be right about Mom feeling that your attention is being drawn away from her. I know you must feel pulled in all directons at once but hang in there, it will all turn out just fine.



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PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:19 am    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

AWWWWWW!!! NONO, TYTYTY You have hit the nail on the head- BIG-TIME Smile
Hugs, Patti


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:31 pm    (No subject) Reply with quoteBack to top

YES! nono is 100% right. i was trying to think of the words and nono nailed it.

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