chat, myspace, facebook because I didn't want the whole world knowing everything
I think, do, or say. As some of you know, I have been working on my Family Tree
for the past six years and was able to trace my roots back over 600 years and 22 generations.
With 13 other brothers and sisters, about 36 nieces and nephews, and who knows
how many grand nieces and nephews that have their own children I realized that
I didn't even know most of them. I knew my nieces and nephews before they got married,
but then with the name changes, multiple marriages, their offsprings growing up
getting married, then more name changes, and then their offsprings growing
it was just too much to track.
It was also difficult to keep in touch with each and every one of them, because it
would take a month just to communicate with them all, so I wasn't able to add the
descendants to the Family Tree. During most of last year, my oldest boy, Christopher
was having personal problems and I wasn't able to keep in contact with him.
Finally he got married in September, and I wanted to find a way that we could communicate
without having to move heaven and earth to talk. He said that he had a facebook
account and he would send me a request to join, then we can keep in touch on a daily basis.
So I decided to open a facebook account and Christopher was my first friend.
A couple of months later I was connecting with some of my nieces and nephews
that I haven't seen for years, and found out that most of them are married,
having children, etc. Next thing I new I was meeting a lot of relatives that I
didn't even know I have.
This also helped me keep up to date on all of the family happenings, especially
since my brothers and sisters are getting older. I get to see pictures of family get
togethers, reminice about the good ole days, or just sharing a laugh or two.
So two thumbs up to Facebook for giving me my family back.