Dear Crushers, please it has been a month since we have had anybody post a win here. I realize most members are very modest but please, we want you to brag!
We want to know all about it, like where you won it, what were you playing, etc. We even want to see screen shots if you have them. We want to know what rituals you go through to get a win, lucky rabbits foot, lucky shirt, talk to your screen, pat your belly, we want ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, please!!!
Crushers I'm desperate! It's been a long time since I won and I'll try anything to get a win, including attempting to do exactly what you did. (hmmmm well I don't know all of you that well hmmmm) lets say I'll attempt to do exactly what you do as long as its not morally or legally wrong or as long as nobody sees me. heeheee
Please Crushers help me out here. Thank you!
Happy Gaming!
Here's instructions on how to do a screen shot that Geno has kindly provided us with:
1. Press the "Print Screen" (or "Prnt Scrn") button on your keyboard
(this copies the whole of your current screen to the clipboard)
(if you just want to copy the current/active window hold down ALT whilst pressing Print Screen)..
2. Click Start -> Run ... pbrush (or run PaintBrush from Start->Programs->Accessories-> Paintbrush)
3. Edit-> Paste.
4. Save as a JPEG file (this compresses it so we can display it).
5. Send your screen shot along with your CC forums user name, to
OR if you have somewhere on the net you can upload your image to and know how to link create the HTML to show your picture, you can of course do that.

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total