I found today that Neteller have changed their minimum Member transfer amount to $30. This is good but has left us a bit under-budget for Contests this month, particularly as we have a lot of $25 prizes - in fact one per day AT LEAST.
However, don't fret - we love you and we know you're good for it so what we're doing is this...
Any contests that are drawn on or after 6th June, where the prize was specified as $25 for 2500 cpcoints, the prize will now be $29 (yeah a bit odd, but it's the least we can now send), and only 2500 ccpoints will be deducted.
From next month, we'll be making our minimum contest win $30 for 3000 ccpoints.
And for those that might want to ask why pay $29 this month rather than $30 to make it nice and easy - well simply - we can't afford to do that with all the contests we have already planned for this month. All the extra $1's add up with around 40-50 prizes in total being given away (that's like one or two more prizes). We hope you understand this and of course hope you'll enjoy the new minimum/standard prize amount of $30 for a few more ccpoints starting on 1st July
And just in case - another question that might be asked 'what if I won earlier in this month and only got $25' - well, I'm sorry - but no extras will be given for this. Again, I trust you'll understand that we're already having to pay an expected $200-$250 this month to cover the extra $4's on each prize.
We hope you like the decision made above and that you continue to enjoy CC - especially as now - hey, we'll just be giving away bigger prizes now!
Happy Gaming Always,