Fellow Crushers, My Sitemates ~
I just HAVE TO share something with you!
As I was reading through the posts earlier this night, I came across one that included one of the very best descriptions of CC I have ever heard! As much as I love this site, and as often as I have tried to describe it.........I would never have thought it could be done in such few words and with such exact truth!
But it WAS done -- by one of our own members......and to the one who described CC so well, I say this: I am about to quote you, but let's not let anybody know yet you who are, because I think it would be great fun to have them guess!
I haven't requested permission for a special contest for this month, but let's do this one just for fun, okay, members? Try to guess who described Casino-Crush with these words:
Thank You to Geno, OC, Royal, and Staff... and their Families for allowing them to share their time with us CRUSHERS!!!
Thank You ALL ..... for ALL that you do to make this Forum what it is...to me..... Unity, Friendship, and Humanity at it's Finest!!
Isn't that just perfect? At least I think it is! And I congratulate the author and ask the author to stay unrevealed until we get some guesses posted about who wrote those beautiful words!
Remember, this is just a contest for fun only. No prizes except the reward of satisfaction and pride!