Episode 2. the decent to hell!
First ss was a line hit then all hell broke out with my last few bucks i hit the second top pay, but free spins did not come in for over 300 spins and after the feature i was $40 or more down after that big hit. what a bitch.
Ps, its hard to get it all together here anyway the game kicked my ass every which way!
Next feature was over 300 spins to and ate up $196 in deposits very quickly.
Scary is a bitch these screen shots and you lose a battle.
Lose the battle win the war he he i win!
Episode 3. The come back.
I zero out and made a $40 deposit on a 50% coupon 16.5x deposit wagering.
I started out on $1 bets but switched to 0.60 when i had $20 left, free spins hit for about $40 straight away.
So i braved up and went at it again on $1 bets it paid off with a $100 hit then up and down for ages.
And finally free spins hit again and i allmost scooped the big one.
All in all 24 free spin features i got in about 4 hours off play.
I think i got about $100 left in wagering, so safe game small bets and i will be safe.
Now i am off soon for the $20k weekender, got in on a free tourn no continues.