Dear Crushers,
We've come up with a tempting little treat for all you Halloweeners

It's a simple little crossword which is available now until 31st October 2008.
To play Cauldronesque Halloween Crossword puzzle game - simply click on the Crosswords link on the main menu (top menu of the forum in the red section) and choose the Cauldronesque Halloween Crossword Puzzle.
All members entering this contest must take part in the Crossword Puzzle and MUST click Submit (you can Save your answers to come back to, but your Crossword entry will only be considered eligible if you also press Submit. (once you submit you may not change any answers).
Get Spooked and remind yourself of all things Hallowe'en in this Cauldronesque Crossword

- This crossword opens on 15th October 2008
- This crossword closes on 31st October 2008
- The maximum score possible on this crossword is 54 (one per correct letter)
- If there is more than 1 member that complete the crossword puzzle correctly their names will be placed into a random drawing.
- The winner must have at least 3,000 cc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner has less then 3,000 cc points then they will receive 3,000 cc points in lieu of the $30 prize.
- You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
Good Luck and Happy Gaming Always,