Jackpot Capital We have created a little quiz for you. The first letters of all the answers to the questions compose the word we are looking for. It is also the name of a special bonus code. You can work as a team and answer the questions all together here in the Discussion board. Once somebody finds the right key word the code will be activated for everyone.
Here is a little tip: we are looking for the name and function of a Jackpot Capital Team member. This person is the loveliest person one could probably meet and cares a lot for the members of the Jackpot Capital team. The person we are looking for loves learning new languages, listening to music and taking long walks.
1. What is Kate's favorite color?
2. What is the name of the second biggest Progressive Jackpot to be won at Jackpot Capital?
3. What Jackpot Capital Department does George work in?
4. What skills does Patrick in the Creative Dept. have to attract the ladies?
5. What is the name of the new payment method offered at Jackpot Capital for all US and Canadian players?
6. What style of music does Monelle listen to?
7. What kind of bonus can you win in our regular weekend raffles?
8. What is Jessica's function in the Jackpot Capital Team?
9. What is the name of the person who is flying around the world attending conventions and business meetings for Jackpot Capital?