Dear Crushers,
Here are links to our New and Exclusive Slots Tourneys / Freerolls planned and already in play for July 2017.
You can always check our latests Private Slots Tournaments as they are added here (*if you have access* -- see below) :-
If you are unable to see the tourneys topics when clicking on the links it is because you need to join the following group and be approved (usually within 24 hours or quicker):
(All links in this topic (and most others) will open in a new tab or window so please ensure pop-ups are enabled for our site)
Thanks very much to the following casinos who have kindly set aside some freeroll tourneys (with re-buy options). If these go well (good participation and people do at least a few re-buys to better their chances of getting a better prize) then we'll be sure to hold some more
Everygame Red Casino - July 2017 Exclusive Slots Tourney CC1707IT
Full details and password for Everygame Red Casino Tourney CC1707IT July 2017
Casino Extreme - July 2017 Slots Tourney WINEXTREME
Full details and password for Casino Extreme Tourney WINEXTREME July 2017
Casino Brango - July 2017 - Slots Tourney - WINBRANGO
Full details and password for Casino Brango Tourney WINBRANGO July 2017
Grande Vegas Casino - July 2017 Slots Tourney CASCRUSH1707GV
Full details and password for Grande Vegas Casino Tourney CASCRUSH1707GV July 2017
Maybe we will have some more - so keep checking back and make sure you are subscribed to our Private Slots Tourneys usergroup to get access to passwords and automatic email updates (now only once per week)
Subscribe to our Private Slots Tourneys group here
Good luck and Happy Gaming Always!

Last edited by crushadmin on Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:48 pm; edited 2 times in total