Hey ccer's sorry I haven't been around much Amber still in hospital and Todd and I have had the grandkids. It looks like for the next week or more so if I dwindle away I'll be back just means I have my hands full right now.
Amber has dbl pneumonia and a raging infection of an unknown kind that began under her skin on her face and neck and attacked her sinus and optic nerve and was heading for her frontal lobe but doctors have no idea what kind of bacterium it is so they are trying different mixes of antibiotics till something works and several labs still due to come back she is in isolation and to visit her I had to have scrubs gloves booties and hair covered along with a mask. It was really surreal when they finally figured out I was Ambers voice they finally started telling me everything but for 2 days Amber wasn't able to tell them it was ok to talk to me since they have had her on morphine but they had to take her off of it for some test today so she asked for me. Thank God any way I will keep you all posted thanks you all are the best (((hugs)))