Here is my (hopefully) helpful 2 cents kids
I know it sounds too easy to be the answer..
but most of the time it really is temp files, cookies, & cache that get corrupted.
Your computer will still access them (corrupt files) because they are stored in an area that is meant for faster loading of pages you commonly use. Even when there may be a newer version of that page, it gets the common one.
Instead of just assuming it does the job (clearing cookies) because it says DONE, manually do it yourself-
Go to Tools/Internet Options/ General Tab/Browser History/ Settings
and VIEW FILES- Select All Delete!
AND, occassionally you need to clear your Flash Player &/or Java files.
Especially if you never have, they are usually inside your computer's Control Panel- Open Flash, then Java find their temp files (stored on your computer) and Delete All!
After doing all that, Restart your computer. The reason you should do a restart is because the System will automatically (unless it is broke from tweeking some setting) rid itself of the Placeholder, or the temp old file, allowing the NEW temp file to be created once again.
AND if that does help, even a little, you are on the right track and need to continue finding other temp files to delete. Empty recycle bin as well.
IF THAT does not help one bit? For me, the next logical step to try is in the Add-Ons. Disable All and Open browser, turning 1 back on at a time, until the issue is present again, and then you have identified the culprit. Maybe disabling an add-on is all that is needed.