Hi everyone,
I'm Dave from Pitbull Poker and Pitbull Casino and I wanted to touch base with you regarding this technical issue you describe on this thread.
Normally a clean up of the cache from cookies and temporary files would do the trick but if you still have the same issue I need you to send me the following (via email to dave@pitbullgaming.com with your user name and registered email):
- Browser you are using and its version (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc)
- Platform (Mac or PC)
- Operative System (Linux, Windows, etc.)
- Java Script or Flash and which version you have installed to run our script
- Date and Time it happened (if regularly just specified since when)
- Internet connection type (cable, wireless, etc)
- Internet Connection speed (256kB, 512kB, 1MB, 2MB, etc)
This will help us understand better the conditions in which the problem is happening.
Feel free to reach me should you have further questions. Cheers!
Dave Brenes
Network Manager
Pitbull Poker
Pitbull Casino
Pitbull Partners