You will receive $30 free BBS at Desperate Housewives Bingo for signing up and updating your player account.
HOWEVER this is a BingoWorkz Bingo affiliate so if you have other BingoWorkz accounts you won't get it. Also make sure you have only ONE account for all BingoWorkz sites. I found out I had several and had to delete them. You use ONE alias and password for ALL BingoWorkz sites.
The $30 free bucks are available for you to play with in the FREE GAME ROOM.
To access the free game room, go to 'game selection' then scroll down until you see the icon "Free Bingo". Click on it and the free game will load in a new window. Your $30 free bucks will show in your account and you can use them to purchase cards in the free room only. It will show inside the free game room not in your account when you sign in.
(click the banner/link at the top of the page)