Hi Crushers, this contest will go from today until December 24th. There will be three (3) $25 Neteller cash given away on December 13th, 18th and the last one on the 24th. Everyone that has completed this task by the 13th will be eligible for each drawing.
This was the most popular contest we had when we celebrated our 1,000 Member party. It also helped get people to update their profiles. lol We have a lot of new members and this is one way of getting to know your friendly fellow Crushers. I sincerely hope you enjoy this again!
Seems like everyone is quite creative with their forum names, so tell us about yourself. Tell us how you came up with your login id, if your male or female, about your family, hobbies, pets, favorite casino, casino game, biggest win, most embarassing moment lol j/j, anything you'd like to have your fellow Crushers know about you. Also, please remember to place a casino banner in your post. After you make your post, please go to your profile and update it.
All of the following information is necessary to be completed in your post and profile in order to be eligible to win a prize. You can locate your profile above in the red bar area. Simply click on profile, then click on Profile Information.
1. Make a post and tell us about yourself. Make sure that you place a casino banner in your post also. As in all of our contests this month, it will be necessary for you to place a casino banner in your post in order to qualify.
2. Then go to your profile. Check to make sure your email address is correct.
3. Location, please put where you live, City, State or Country
4. Country Flag
5. Gender
6. Birthdate, the year can not be seen by anyone except admin, plus you will receive 2,500 ccs on your birthday if this is filled out.
Everyone entering this contest that completes the above 6 items will be put into a random drawing and we will have 3 drawings held December 13th, 18th and 24th. So complete this contest before the 13th and you will have 3 chances of winning, 2 chances if completed by the 18th and 1 chance if completed by the 24th. 3 lucky Crushers will receive $25.00 in their Neteller account. (3-$25 Neteller accounts will be given)
You will need 2500 cc-points in to redeem a cash prize of $25.
There are lots of ways to earn cc-points which you can see in your welcome letter at https://www.casino-crush.com/bb2/welcome_to_cc_forums.php
If you do not have enough cc-points to win a cash prize, you'll be credited with 2500 cc-points instead - so next time you win - you'll be able to cash out. However, we recommend you check out the many other ways to earn cc-points
Winners accounts will be credited within 7 days.
Good Luck Crushers!

Last edited by OrangeCrush on Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:38 pm; edited 4 times in total