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Author OrangeCrush Date Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:23 pm Views 501
Description BBQ recipes by NonoNanette
Category Member Recipes Type Recipes

Bar-B-Que Beans
Bar-B-Que Beans

1 lb ground beef, browned
1 medium sized onion, diced and 2 cloves garlic, minced (add to ground beef as it cooks)
3 or 4 hot dogs thinly sliced
1 can baked beans
2 cans pork'n'beans
1/4 cup barbecue sauce
1/4 cup ketchup
1 Tbs mustard
1 Tbs worcestershire sauce
1 Tbs horseradish
1 tsp hot sauce (more or less to taste)

Mix all together and put in baking dish and bake at 275 degrees for 2 hours or put in slow cooker on low heat for 3 or 4 hours.
These beans go over really well at any summer get together, I never have any left to take home!
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