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Author OrangeCrush Date Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:42 am Views 583
Description yummmmy
Category Member Recipes Type Recipes

Best and Easiest Caramel
Barry was in facebook yesterday and a gal he went to school with posted a recipe for Caramel Topping that was easy to make.

I made it and OMG its right up my alley ... easy, cheap and yummy just like I like my men LOL

All you need is a crockpot and as many cans of sweetened condensed milk as you'd like to make.

I put 4 unopened cans of sweetened condensed milk in my crockpot, covered them with water. Cooked on low for 8 hours. Drained water, put cans of condensed milk in the fridge to cool and 2-3 hours later, opened a can and OMG yum yum yum.

I bought ice cream to "try" the caramel lol Barry and I both decided all you really need for the caramel is a spoon. yummmmm LOL

If you like caramel you have to try this, it really is yummy SmileSmile
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