Dear Crushers,
It has become increasingly evident that many members, new and existing are not getting emails from CC about various things - including registration, forgotten passwords, re-activation emails , like those that also happen when you change email address.
This is most likely due to the fact many email providers automatically suspect anything with 'casino' in the domain name as 'spam'.
In order to get around this you should add the following addresses to your 'white list', 'safe list' or 'known ok emails' , to your address book or whichever your email provider uses to ensure all emails from certain addresses go through:-
You can sometimes add the whole domain (i.e.
Otherwise you can individually add the following names preceding the name.
vipmanager (if you are using our VIP Area)
tourneys (if you are taking part in any slots tourneys, for example the Casino Rewards monthly one).
Add all of the above with at the end to ensure delivery of all emails from CC.
The same also applies for both and and and you should add the webmaster address for all of these to ensure you get all your emails.
I hope this is useful information.
Happy Gaming Always,